Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fitness Month

So what have been up to lately? Trying a little something called fitness. I really didn't know what I was getting myself into to be honest. What I imagined in my head was a lot different than the reality.

I tried my hand at Pilates. Picked up Hot Yoga. During weekdays I climbed the stairwells at work... up to 20 of the longest flights I've ever encountered! Did a few Charity Run/Walks. And went hiking up several mountains, including the most spectacular of them all - Mt. Fuji!

At times, I regretted starting this so-called Fitness Month. But at the end of it all, I'm glad I did it. I felt more accomplished after each event. I forged stronger bonds with my friends. Plus I walked away with everlasting memories.

Here are a few shots of a hard but fulfilling month!

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