Sunday, December 10, 2006

Return of the Island Girl

Gee, has it really been nearly 3 months since I last reached out to you guys? Time has a weird tendency to slip by without being noticed.

Rest assured that my withdrawal doesn't mean that I have run out of interesting things to share.
On the contrary, I had a mouthful of stuff to go on about. It's just that they were all negative.

I found that I had hit a rough patch in my stay here and decided it was better to be silent that constantly bitching about trivial stuff.

For anyone that moves to a new country, you will fall into one of three categories. First category of people moves into a new place and loves it right away. Then before the year is up they just can't stand it.

Second group moves into a new place and hates everything about it. Before the year is up, they can't get enough of it. Third group moves into a new place and never leaves again - this new place is home. I can now safely say that I fit into group #1 very nicely.

I woke up one day and was in a perpetual state of "pissed off".
Men spitting everywhere pissed me off.
Sneezing and coughing without covering their mouths pissed me off.
People just breathing on me pissed me off... So I stopped writing

But thanks to all those who kept checking for my new entries. And thank you to the others that gave me a swift kick in the fanny.

Today, I still hate that stuff but difference is that I can laugh about it now. So let's keep the good times rolling on!